Jennifer King Rice is the 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频's senior vice president and provost. As the chief academic officer, she steers the university's academic enterprise in accordance with its mission, including providing strategic direction for its 12 schools and colleges. An accomplished administrator and educator, Rice manages a diverse portfolio, including academic planning and programs, enrollment management, community engagement, faculty affairs, international affairs, academic innovation, and institutional research, planning and assessment. Rice's leadership is driven by her commitment to innovative and inclusive teaching, impactful research and scholarship, and work that advances the public good. In her first year as Provost, Rice spearheaded the university's strategic plan, Fearlessly Forward: In Pursuit of Excellence and Impact for the Public Good, embodying 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频's vision of service to humanity. Her innovative approach led to a campuswide commitment to reimagining learning, taking on humanity's grand challenges, investing in people and communities, and advancing the public good. Since becoming Provost in 2021, she has taken a fresh look at budgetary strategies for academic programs and resources, and has championed the development, review, and implementation of new academic policies and regulations that align with university priorities. Rice previously served as dean of 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频's College of Education, where she focused her efforts on advancing excellence, equity and social justice from preschool through graduate school. Under her leadership, the college advanced in national rankings and received unprecedented research funding. Rice has served on the faculty and in college leadership roles at 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频 for more than 25 years, and was recognized as a Distinguished Scholar-Teacher. Her research draws on the disciplines of economics and philosophy to explore policy that addresses excellence and equity in K-12 education systems. An expert on school finance and teacher policy, she regularly advises state and federal agencies. She is a fellow of the American Education Research Association, and is a past president of the Association for Education Finance and Policy.
Fellowships, Honors, and Awards
- Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award, Office of the Provost, 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频, 2017-18.
Fellow, Big 10 Academic Alliance, Academic Leadership Program, 2016-2017.
Exceptional Scholarship Award, 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频, College of Education, 2016.
Fellow, National Education Policy Center, 2013-.
Outstanding Reviewer Award for Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. Awarded at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, April 2010.
Outstanding Writing Award from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education and the Journal of Teacher Education. Awarded at the annual meeting of AACTE, Washington, D.C., February 23, 2005.
National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Post-doctoral Research Fellow, 2001-2003.
American Education Finance Association/National Center for Education Statistics New Scholars Award, 1999.
Julian E. Butterworth Award for Outstanding Dissertation Proposal, Cornell University, Department of Education, Ithaca, NY, 1994.
Selected to attend the 14th Annual National Graduate Student Research Seminar in Education Administration at the American Educational Research Association National Conference, Atlanta, GA, 1993.
Alpha Sigma Nu (Jesuit University Honor Society), 1990.
Pi Mu Epsilon (Mathematics Honor Society), 1990.
Sigma Tau Delta (English Honor Society), 1990.
Full Assistantship to Cornell University Graduate School, Ithaca, NY, 1990-1995.
Marquette University Outstanding Senior Award, Milwaukee, WI, 1990.
Rice, J.K. & Malen, B. (2017). Performance-based pay for educators. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. [Note: The authors contributed equally to this book.
Rice, J.K. & Roellke, C.F., Eds. (2009). High-stakes accountability: Implications for resources and capacity. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Rice, J.K. (2003). Teacher quality: Understanding the effectiveness of teacher attributes. Washington, D.C.: Economic Policy Institute.
Roellke, C.F. & Rice, J.K., Eds. (2003). Fiscal policy in urban education. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Journal Articles (* designates refereed, + designates invited)
* Rice, J.K., Malen, B., Jackson, C. Hoyer, K.M. (2016). Administrator responses to financial incentives: Insights from a TIF program. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 1-27.
+Rice, J.K. (2016). Ensuring fundamental resources for an 鈥渁dequate鈥 education. Professional Voice 11(2), 31-38.
*Rice, J.K., Malen, B. Jackson, C., & Hoyer, K.M. (2015). Time to pay up: Analyzing the motivational potential of financial awards in a TIF program. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, (39)1, 29-49.
*Malen, B., Rice, J.K., Bivona, L. Bowsher, A., Hoyer, K.M., & Hyde, L. (2015). Developing organizational capacity for implementing complex education reform initiatives: Insights from a multi-year study of a Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) program. Education Administration Quarterly, 51(1), 133-176.
*Rice, J.K. (2013). Learning from experience: Evidence on the impact and distribution of teacher experience and the implications for teacher policy. Education Finance and Policy, 8(3), 332-348.
*Rice, J.K., Malen, B. Baumann, P., Chen, E., Dougherty, A., Hyde, L., Jackson, C., Jacobson, & R., McKithen, C. (2012). The persistent problems and confounding challenges of educator incentives: The case of TIF in Prince George's County, Maryland. Educational Policy, 26 (6), 892-933.
*Kolbe, T. & Rice, J.K. (2012). And they鈥檙e off: Tracking 鈥淩ace to the Top鈥 investments from the starting gate. Educational Policy, 26(1), 185-209.
*Rice, J.K., Roellke, C.F., Sparks, D., & Kolbe, T. (2009). Piecing together the teacher policy landscape: A policy-problem typology. Teachers College Record, 111(2), 511-546.
*Roellke, C.F. & Rice, J.K. (2008). Responding to teacher quality and accountability mandates: The perspective of school administrators and classroom teachers. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 7(3), 264-295.
*Rice, J.K. & Hall, L.J. (2008). National Board Certification for teachers: What does it cost and how does it compare? Education Finance and Policy, (3)3, 339-373.
*+Rice, J.K. (2008). From highly qualified to high quality: An imperative for policy and research to recast the teacher mold. Education Finance and Policy, 3(2), 151-165.
*Rice, J.K. & Cohen, C. (2007). Understanding the costs of professional development. School Business Affairs, 73(11), 30-34.
*Croninger, R.G., Rice, J.K., Rathbun, A., & Nishio, M. (2007). Teacher qualifications and early learning: Effects of certification, degree, and experience on first-grade student achievement. Economics of Education Review, 26(3), 312-324.
*Rice, J.K. & Croninger, R.G. (2005). Resource generation, reallocation, or depletion: An analysis of the impact of school reconstitution on local capacity. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 4(2), 73-103.
*Malen, B. & Rice, J.K. (2004). A framework for assessing the impact of education reform on school capacity: Insights from studies of high stakes accountability initiatives. Educational Policy, 18(5), 631-660.
*+Rice, J.K. (2004). Equity and efficiency in school finance reform: Competing or complementary goods? Peabody Journal of Education, (79)3, 134-151.
*Rice, J.K. & Malen, B. (2003). The human costs of education reform: The case of school reconstitution. Educational Administration Quarterly, 39(5), 635-666.
*Rice, J.K. & Roellke, C.F. (2003). Urban school finance: Increased standards and accountability in uncertain economic times. School Business Affairs, 69(5), 30-33.
*Rice, J.K. & Brent, B.O. (2002). An alternative avenue to teacher certification: A cost analysis of the Pathways to Teaching Careers Program. Journal of Education Finance, 27(2), 1029-1048.
*Rice, J.K. Croninger, R. & Roellke, C.F. (2002). The effect of block scheduling high school mathematics courses: Implications for education productivity. Economics of Education Review 21(6), 599-607.
*Rice, J.K. (2001). Explaining the negative impact of the transition from middle to high school on student performance in mathematics and science. Education Administration Quarterly 37(3), 372-400.
*Rice, J.K. (2001). The cost of working together: A framework for estimating the costs of comprehensive support systems for children. Administration & Society, 33(4), 455-479.
*Rice, J.K. (2001). Fiscal implications of new directions in teacher professional development. School Business Affairs, 67(4), 19-24.
*+Rice, J.K. (1999). The impact of class size on instructional strategies and the use of time in high school mathematics and science courses. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 21(2), 215-130.
*Rice, J.K. (1997). Cost analysis in education: Paradox and possibility. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis,19(4), 309-317.
*Rice, J.K. (1997). The disruptive transition from middle to high school: Opportunities for linking policy and practice. Journal of Education Policy, 12(5), 403-417.
*Monk, D.H. & Rice, J.K. (1997). The distribution of mathematics and science teachers across and within secondary schools. Educational Policy, 11(4), 479-498.
*Ewert, D.M., Rice, J.K. & Lauderdale, E. (1995). Training for diversity: How organizations become more inclusive. Adult Learning, 6(5), 27-28.
*King, J.A. (1994). Meeting the educational needs of at-risk students: A cost analysis of three models. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 16(1), 1-19.
Chapters in Books:
Chechovich, L. & Rice, J.K. (2019). Maryland. In Thompson, D.C., Wood, R.C., Neuenswander, S.C., Heim, J.M., & Watson, R.D. (Eds.) Funding Public Schools in the United States and Indian Country. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Rice, J.K., Monk, D.H., & Zhang, J. (2019). School finance: An Overview. In Bradley, S. & Green, C. (Eds.) The Economics of Education, 2nd Edition. Elsevier.
Rice, J.K. & Malen, B. (2016). When theoretical models meet school realities: Educator responses to student growth measures in an incentive pay program. In A. Amrein-Beardsley & K.K. Hewitt (Eds.) Student growth measures: Where policy meets practice (pp. 29-47). Palgrave McMillan.
Malen, B. & Rice, J.K. (2016). School reconstitution as a turnaround strategy: An analysis of the evidence. In W.J. Mathis & T. Trujillo (Eds.) The Neo-liberal education reforms: Lessons from a failed agenda (pp. 99-126). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Rice, J.K. & Schwartz, A.E. (2015). Toward an understanding of productivity in education. In H. Ladd & M. Goertz (Eds.) Handbook on research in education finance and policy (pp. 125-140). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Rice, J.K & Egan, L. (2014). Foregone earnings. In D. Brewer & L. Picus (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Education Economics and Finance (pp. 352-354). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Rice, J.K & Hoyer, K.M. (2014). Professional development. In D. Brewer & L. Picus (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Education Economics and Finance (pp. 559-562). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Rice, J.K. (2010). High-stakes accountability and teacher quality: Coping with contradictions. In L. Chance & V. Hill-Jackson (Eds.), Transforming teacher education: history, implementation, and accountability for the 21st Century. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Rice, J.K., Monk, D.H. & Zhang, J. (2010). School finance: An overview. In E. Baker, B. McGraw & P. Peterson (Eds.), International encyclopedia of education research. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Rice, J.K., Monk, D.H. & Zhang, J. (2010). School finance: An overview. (Reprint.) In D.J. Brewer & P.J. McEwan, (Eds.), Economics of Education. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Rice, J.K. (2010). Investing in human capital through teacher professional development. In D. Goldhaber & J. Hannaway (Eds.), Creating a new teacher profession. Gates Foundation.
Malen, B. & Rice, J.K. (2010). School reconstitution and school improvement: Theory and evidence. In D. Plank, B. Schmidt & G. Sykes (Eds.), Handbook on research in education policy (pp. 464-477). Washington DC: American Education Research Association.
Kolbe, T. & Rice, J.K. (2009). Are we there yet? The distribution of highly qualified teachers post-NCLB. In J.K. Rice & C.F. Roellke (Eds.), High-stakes accountability: Implications for resources and capacity (pp. 93-116). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Rice, J.K. & Roellke, (2009). Struggling to improve teacher quality in difficult-to-staff schools: NCLB and teacher policy. In J.K. Rice & C.F. Roellke (Eds.), High-stakes accountability: Implications for resources and capacity (p. 141-171). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Rice, J.K. & Roellke, C.F. (2009). Leveraging student performance through high stakes reform. In J.K. Rice & C.F. Roellke (Eds.), High-stakes accountability: Implications for resources and capacity (pp. vii-xii). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Rice, J.K. & Roellke, C.F. (2009). Linking high stakes accountability and capacity, conclusion. In J.K. Rice & C.F. Roellke (Eds.), High-stakes accountability: Implications for resources and capacity (pp. 251-157). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Malen, B. & Rice, J.K. (2009). A framework for assessing the impact of education reform on school capacity: Insights from studies of high stakes accountability initiatives. In J.K. Rice & C.F. Roellke (Eds.), High-stakes accountability: Implications for resources and capacity (pp. 3-32). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. Reprint.
Rice, J.K. & Schwartz, A.E. (2008). Toward an understanding of productivity in education. In H. Ladd & E. Fiske (Eds.) Handbook on research in education finance and policy. (pp.131-145). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Roellke, C.F. & Rice, J.K. (2007). Voices from the field: Viewing teacher policy from the perspective of New York City teachers. In C. Bjork, D.K. Johnston & H. Ross. Raising the bar: How liberal arts institutions prepare teachers to meet pedagogical, political, and intellectual challenges in schools (pp. 151-175). Boulder, CO: Paradigm.
Rice, J.K. (2003). The incidence and impact of teacher professional development: Implications for education productivity. In M. Plecki & D. Monk (Eds.), School finance and teacher quality: Exploring the connections, 2003 Yearbook of the American Education Finance Association (pp. 111-136). Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.
Rice, J.K. (2003). Investing in teacher quality: A framework of estimating the cost of teacher professional development. In W. Hoy & C. Miskel (Eds.), Theory and research in educational administration, volume 2 (pp. 209-233). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Allgood, W. & Rice, J.K. (2003). The adequacy of urban education: Focusing on teacher quality. In C.F. Roellke & J.K. Rice (Eds.), Fiscal policy issues in urban education (pp. 155-180). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Rice, J.K. & Roellke, C.F. (2003). Fiscal policy in urban education: Lessons learned and implications for research. In C.F. Roellke & J.K. Rice (Eds.), Fiscal policy issues in urban education (pp.253-257). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Roellke, C.F. & Rice, J.K. (2003). School finance and urban education reform. In C.F. Roellke & J.K. Rice (Eds.), Fiscal policy issues in urban education (pp. 3-7). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Rice, J.K. (2002). Making economically-grounded decisions about comprehensive school reform models: Considerations of costs, effects, and contexts. In M.C. Wang & K.K. Wong (Eds.), Efficiency and equity issues in Title I schoolwide program implementation (pp. 29-55). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Rice, J.K. (2002). Making the evidence matter: Implications of the class size research debate for policy makers. In L. Mishel & R. Rothstein (Eds.), The class size policy debate (pp. 89-94). Washington, D.C. Economic Policy Institute.
Rice, J.K. (2002). Cost analysis in education policy research: A comparative analysis across fields of public policy. In. H.M. Levin & P. McEwan (Eds.), Cost-effectiveness analysis in education: Progress and prospects, 2002 Yearbook of the American Education Finance Association (pp. 21-36). Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.
Rice, J.K. (2001). Illuminating the black box: The evolving role of education productivity research. In S. Chaikind & W. Fowler (Eds.), Education finance in the new millennium, 2001 Yearbook of the American Education Finance Association (pp. 121-138). Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.
Rice, J.K. (1998). Economic evaluation of cultural programs. In B. Finkelstein et al., Discovering culture in education: An approach to cultural education program evaluation (pp.157-190). Washington D.C.: ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation.
Monk, D.H. & King, J.K. (1994). Multilevel teacher resource effects on pupil performance in secondary mathematics and science: The case of teacher subject-matter preparation. In R. Ehrenberg (Ed.), Choices and consequences: Contemporary policy issues in education (pp.29-58). Ithaca, NY: ILR Press.
Monk, D.H. & King, J.A. (1993). Cost analysis as a tool for educational reform. In S.L. Jacobson and R. Berne (Eds.), Reforming education: The emerging systemic approach, 1994 Yearbook of the American Education Finance Association (pp.131-152). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Chapters in Monographs
Roellke, C.F. & Rice, J.K. (2004). Financing urban schools: Emerging challenges for research, policy, and practice. In W. Fowler (Ed.), Developments in school finance, 2003. Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement.
Croninger, R.G., Rice, J.K., Rathbun, A. & Nishio, M. (2004). Teacher qualifications and first-grade achievement: A multilevel analysis. In Educational attainment and school reform: Policy, evaluation, and classroom practice. Center for Research of Core Academic Competencies, Tokyo, Japan.
Rice, J.K. (2001). Moving toward an adequate education for all students in Maryland: The 2001 state of the state. In C.F. Roellke (Ed.), In search of a more equitable and efficient education system: The state of the states and provinces 2001 (pp. 9-14). Poughkeepsie, NY: Vassar College.
Rice, J.K. (2001). Tracking education finance in Maryland: The 2000 state of the state. In M. Plecki (Ed.), School finance at the start of the millennium: The state of the states and provinces 2000 (pp.85-91). Seattle, WA: University of Washington.
Rice, J.K., Brooks, S.A., & Kozlowski, C.E. (2001). Public school finance program in Maryland. In C. Sielke, J. Dayton, C.T. Holmes, & A. Jefferson (Eds.), Public school finance programs of the United States and Canada, 1998-1999. Washington, D.C.: National Center for Education Statistics.
Rice, J.K. & Brent, B.O. (2000). Costs and budgeting for success. In B.C. Clewell and A.M. Villegas (Eds.), Building effective programs for preparing new teachers from new sources (pp.36-40). Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.
Rice, J.K. (1999). School finance policy issues in Maryland: The state of the state. In B. Brent. (Ed.), The political economy of education: The state of the states and provinces, 1999 (pp. 93-100). Rochester, NY: Warner Graduate School of Education.
Monk, D.H. & Rice, J.K. (1999). Modern education productivity research: Emerging implications for the financing of education. In B. Fowler (Ed.), Selected papers in school finance, 1999 (pp. 111-139). Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement.
Rice, J.K. (1996). Cost-effectiveness in education: Promise, problems, and progress. In R. Berne (Ed.), New York State Board of Regents鈥 study on cost-effectiveness in education (pp. 31-44). New York: The University of the State of New York.
Malen, B. & Rice, J.K. (2017). Review of 鈥淢easures of last resort: Assessing state strategies for state-initiated turnarounds.鈥 By Ashley Jochim, Center for Reinventing Public Education. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center.
Rice, J.K. (2012). Review of 鈥淭he costs of online learning.鈥 By Tamara Butler Battaglino, Matt Haldeman, and Eleanor Laurans, Parthenon Group. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center.
Rice, J.K. (2006). Teacher pay and teacher quality: Attracting, developing, and retaining the best teachers, By James H. Stronge, Christopher R. Gareis, and Catherine A. Little. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2006. Book Review for Teachers College Record, Date Published: August 16, 2006, ID Number: 12666.
Monographs and Reports
Molnar, A., Cuban, L., Miron, G., Huerta, L., Rice, J.K. & Shaffer, S. (2019). The state of virtual schools 2018: Performance, policy issues, and research evidence. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center.
Molnar, A., Cuban, L., Miron, G., Huerta, L., Rice, J.K. & Shaffer, S. (2017). The state of virtual schools 2016: Performance, policy issues, and research evidence. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center.
Rice, J.K. (2015). Investing in equal opportunity: What would it take to build the balance wheel? Denver, CO: National Education Policy Center.
Croninger, R., Rice, J.K., & Checovich, L. (2015). Alternative indicators of low-income students. Prepared for the Maryland State Department of Education.
Molnar, A., Cuban, L., Miron, G., Huerta, L., Rice, J.K. & Shaffer, S. (2014). The state of virtual schools 2013: Performance, policy issues, and research evidence. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center.
Molnar, A., Cuban, L., Miron, G., Huerta, L., Rice, J.K. & Shaffer, S. (2013). The state of virtual schools 2012: Performance, policy issues, and research evidence. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center.
Kolbe, T., Donaldson, M., & Rice, J.K. (2012). An evaluation of disparities in instructional quality across Connecticut school districts. Report prepared for the Connecticut Coalition for Justice in Education Funding.
Rice, J.K. (2011). Time to level the playing field: Disparities in the quantity and quality of learning time. Paper prepared for the National Center on Time and Learning.
Malen, B. Rice, J.K., Jackson, C., Hoyer, K.M., Hyde, L., Bivona, L., Blaisdell, L., Bowsher, A., Cortes, K., Coverdale, B., de la Torre, A., Goldstein, M., Pimpawathin, A., & Sutter, J. (2011). Implementation, payouts, and perceived effects: A formative analysis of Financial Incentive Rewards for Supervisors and Teachers (FIRST). Prince George鈥檚 County Public School System: Prince George鈥檚 County, MD.
Rice, J.K. & Malen, B. (2010). School reconstitution as an education reform strategy: A synopsis of the evidence. Washington, DC: National Education Association.
Malen, B. Rice, J.K., Baumann, P., Beaner. T., Chen, E., Dougherty, A., Hyde, L., Jackson, C., Jacobson, R., McKithen, C., & Robinson, C. (2009). Building the plane in flight: A formative evaluation of Financial Incentive Rewards for Supervisors and Teachers (FIRST). Prince George鈥檚 County Public School System: Prince George鈥檚 County, MD.
Rice, J.K. & Hall, J. (2008). The relationship between the Teachers Institute and student achievement: A preliminary analysis of reading and composition test scores in the Washington D.C. Public School System. Teachers Institute, Washington, D.C.
Rice, J.K., Roellke, C. F., & Sparks, D. (2006). Hitting the Target? A multi-level case study analysis of teacher policy in three states. Economic Policy Institute, Washington, D.C.
Rice, J.K., Roellke, C. F., & Sparks, D. (2005). Piecing together the teacher policy landscape: Multi-level case study findings from three states. Economic Policy Institute, Washington, D.C.
Cohen, C. & Rice, J.K. (2005). National Board Certification as professional development: Design and cost. The Finance Project: Washington, D.C.
Rice, J. (2001). Quality counts, but what counts as teacher quality? Evidence to enhance productivity, equity, and adequacy in public education. Paper prepared for the Economic Policy Institute, Washington, D.C.
Rice, J.K. (2001). Cost framework for teacher preparation and professional development. Paper prepared for The Finance Project, Washington, D.C.
Jacobson, J., Olsen, C., Rice, J.K., Sweetland, S., & Ralph, J. (2001). Educational achievement and black-white inequality. Report prepared for the National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, D.C.: Mathematica Policy Research.
Finkelstein, B., Malen, B., Muncey, D., Rice, J.K., Croninger, R.C., Briggs, L., Jones, D.R., & Thrasher, K. (2000). Caught in contradictions: The first two years of the Twenty-First Century Schools Initiative. Report prepared for the 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频, College Park/ School District Partnership. College Park, MD: 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频.
Rice, J.K. & Brent, B.O. (2000). A cost analysis of the Pathways to Teaching Careers Program. Report prepared for the DeWitt Wallace Readers Digest Fund. Washington D.C.: The Urban Institute.
Cibulka, J., Croninger, R., Mintrop, H., Price, J., Rice, J.K., Schneider, J. Valli, L. (1999). Creation of high performance learning communities through organizational and individual learning: Prospective case study profiles. Report prepared as part of the National Partnership for Excellence and Accountability in Education. College Park, MD: 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频.
Cibulka, J., Croninger, R., Mintrop, H., Price, J., Rice, J.K., Schneider, J. Valli, L. (1998). Creation of high performance learning communities through organizational and individual learning. Base year report on schools as learning organizations prepared as part of the National Partnership for Excellence and Accountability in Education. College Park, MD: 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频.
Cibulka, J., Croninger, R., Mintrop, H., Price, J., Rice, J.K., Schneider, J. Valli, L. (1998). Research and data analysis design and methodology. Report prepared as part of the National Partnership for Excellence and Accountability in Education. College Park, MD: 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频.
Finkelstein, B., Malen, B., Croninger, R.C., Rice, J.K., Mourad, R.F., Snell, J., & Thrasher, K. (1998). In the early stages of reform: A composite profile of three Twenty-First Century Schools. Report prepared for the 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频, College Park/ School District Partnership. College Park, MD: 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频.
Decker, P.T., Rice, J.K., Moore, M.T, & Rollefson, M.R. (1997). Education and the economy: An indicators report. Report prepared for the National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, D.C.: Mathematica Policy Research.
Rice, J.K. (1996). USJF evaluation designs: The economic perspective. Working Paper for the United States - Japan Foundation. In B. Finkelstein, B. Malen, J. Rice, & L. Sahin, Designs for program evaluation: Assessing the work of USJF precollege education programs. College Park, MD: International Study of Education Policy and Human Values, 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频.
Rice, J.K. (1995). Conceptualizing the costs of comprehensive, community-based support systems for children. Washington D.C.: The Finance Project.
Rice, J.K. & Stavrianos, M. (1994). Adult English as a second language education: Policies, procedures, and practices. Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Education. Washington, D.C.: Mathematica Policy Research.
Ewert, D.M., King, J.A., & Lauderdale, E. (1994). Managing diversity within Cooperative Extension. Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Research Briefs
Rice, J.K., Malen, B., Jackson, C., & Hoyer, K.M. (2015). Time to pay up: Analyzing the motivational potential of financial awards in a TIF program. Research brief for the Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) center.
Rice, J.K. (2010). The Impact of Teacher Experience: Examining the Evidence and Implications for Policy. Research brief for the Center for Longitudinal Data in Education Research. Washington DC: The Urban Institute.
Rice, J.K. (2010). Principal Effectiveness and Leadership in an Era of Accountability: What Research Says. Research brief for the Center for Longitudinal Data in Education Research. Washington DC: The Urban Institute.
Malen, B. & Rice, J.K. (Spring, 2005). The impact of high stakes accountability policies on school capacity for improvement. LEADS. Center for Education Policy and Leadership, 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频, College Park, MD.
Croninger, R.C., Rice, J.K., Malen, B., & Finkelstein, B. (May, 2003). Reconstitution reconsidered. LEADS. Center for Education Policy and Leadership, 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频, College Park, MD.
Rice, J.K. (November, 2002). Some guidelines for investing in class size reduction. LEADS. Center for Education Policy and Leadership, 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频, College Park, MD.
Co-Principal Investigator. Project title: Maryland Professional Development Schools 2025. Teacher Collaborative Grant, Maryland State Department of Education. (Lawrence Clark, PI), 2019-2022. ($1,399,000).
Co-Principal Investigator. Project title: Disparities in investment in children and youth in the United States.鈥 Spencer Foundation/Lyle Spencer Research Award to Transform Education. (David Blazar, PI; Michel Boudreaux, Claudia Galindo, Steven Klees, and Marvin Titus, Co-PIs), 2019-2023. ($999,024).
Expert Consultant. Project title: Study of funding provided to public schools and public charter schools in Maryland. Subcontract with AIR. (Jesse Levin, PI), 2016.
Expert Consultant. Project title: Early childhood data coordination and NHES survey development. Subcontract with Sanametrix (Joseph Collins, PI), 2016.
Researcher. Project title: Study of adequacy of funding for education in the state of Maryland. Maryland Equity Project subcontract with Augenblick, Palaich and Associates contract with Maryland State Department of Education, 2014-2016 Maryland (R00R 4402342) (Gail Sunderman, 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频 PI), 2015.
Co-Principal Investigator. Project title: A formative evaluation of the ongoing implementation of the Financial Incentive rewards for Supervisors and Teachers (FIRST) Initiative: Payouts, scale up, and perceived effects. Contract with Prince George鈥檚 County School System, 2010-2011.
Principal Investigator. Project title: Research briefs for the National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research. The Urban Institute. 2010. ($24,7
Researcher. Project title: Evaluation of the Prince George鈥檚 County FIRST Initiative. Contract with Prince George鈥檚 County School System, 2008-2009. ($72,138).
Principal Investigator. Project title: Teachers Institute of Washington D.C. Reading and Writing Program Evaluation. Contract with J. Koppich and Associates, 2007-2008. ($25,000).
Principal Investigator. Project title: AERA-IES Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Contract with the American Education Research Association and the U.S. Department of Education, Institute for Education Sciences, 2005-2008. ($250,129).
Principal Investigator. Project title: Hitting the Target? An Analysis of Investments in Teacher Quality. Contract with the Economic Policy Institute, Funded by MetLife Foundation, 2004-2006. ($45,000).
Co-Principal Investigator. Project title: National Board Certification as Professional Development: Pathways to Success. Joint project with The Finance Project funded by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, 2004-2005. (Proposed budget: $600,000 over two years.)
Expert Advisor. Project title: Maryland State Geographic Cost of Education Index. Contract with Maryland State Department of Education. ($50,000).
Principal Investigator and Research Associate, Economic Policy Institute, Washington, D.C. Project titles: (1) Policies to Enhance Teacher Quality, and (2) Tracking Educational Expenditures. 2002-2003. ($29,000).
Fellow, National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. Project title: An Economic Analysis of Teacher Quality versus Teacher Quantity: Tensions and Trade-offs. 2001-2003. ($50,000).
Principal Investigator and Research Associate, Economic Policy Institute, Washington, D.C. Project title: Review of Research on Teacher Quality Indicators. 2000-2001. ($8,423).
Co-Principal Investigator, National Partnership for Excellence and Accountability in Education. Project title: Study of the Development of Schools as Learning Communities. Funded by the Office of Education Research and Improvement of the U.S. Department of Education, RFP #97-010, 1998-1999. (Originally $1,245,161 over 5 years, completed $335,460).
Researcher. Project title: Study of Twenty-First Century Schools Initiative. Funded by a partnership between School District and the 沈芯语老师家访麻花视频 at College Park, 1998-2000. ($150,000, Barbara Finkelstein, Principal Investigator).
Co-Principal Investigator. Project title: Study of Education Productivity Research. Contract with the U.S. Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics, 1998-1999. ($20,000).
Researcher. Project title: Evaluation of the United States-Japan Foundation Pre-College Education Programs. Funded by the US-Japan Foundation, 1996. ($70,000, Barbara Finkelstein, Principal Investigator).