Carolina Napp Avelli

Carolina Napp-Avelli is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Center for Mathematics Education. Dr. Napp-Avelli is originally from Argentina where she taught middle school and college mathematics for five years, and worked on professional development in mathematics education with elementary teachers in high poverty schools for two years. She now teaches mathematics and mathematics methods courses for pre-service and in-service elementary and middle school teachers. Several areas of interest are task-based student-centered mathematics teaching, mathematics education of emergent multilingual students, and issues of equity and diversity in mathematics education.
Mac-Mtl Doctoral Fellow
Levin, D.M., Fleming, E., Napp-Avelli, C., Storer, A. (2016). Mathematics and Science in Middle Level Classrooms. Integrating disciplines to encourage exploration and discovery. Association for Middle Level Education, AMLE Magazine, Vol 4, No 4, p. 28-30.
Clark, L. M., Badertscher, E. M., & Napp, C. (2013). African American Mathematics Teachers as Agents in Their African American Students' Mathematics Identity Formation. Teachers College Record, 115(2).
Leonard J., Napp, C., Adeleke F. (2009). The complexities of culturally relevant pedagogy: A case study of two secondary mathematics teachers and their ESOL students. The High School Journal, vol 93, No. 1, pp 3-22.
Sadovsky, P., Sessa, C., Napp, C., and Novembre, A. (July 2000). La formaci贸n de los alumnos como estudiantes. Estudiar Matem谩tica [Education of pupils as students. Studying mathematics]. Document for teachers. Buenos Aires City Council, ISBN 987-9327-55-1, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Berg茅, A., Dickenstein, A., Gra帽a, M., Lamas, M., Napp, C., Sabia, J., Tesauri, S. (1999) Pensar con Matem谩tica 4 [Thinking with mathematics 4]. Math problems book for 4th grade. Ed. Estrada. Buenos Aires, Argentina. ISBN 950-01-0752-X.
Berg茅, A., Dickenstein, A., Gra帽a, M., Lamas, M., Napp, C., Sabia, J., Tesauri, S. (1999) Pensar con Matem谩tica 5 [Thinking with mathematics 5].. Math problems book for 5th grade. Ed. Estrada. Buenos Aires, Argentina. ISBN 950-01-0753-8.
Berg茅, A., Dickenstein, A., Gra帽a, M., Lamas, M., Napp, C., Sabia, J., Tesauri, S. (1999) Pensar con Matem谩tica 6 [Thinking with mathematics 6]. Math problems book for 6th grade. Ed. Estrada. Buenos Aires, Argentina. ISBN 950-01-0754-6
NSF Grant: Together - Parents, Teachers and Multilingual Children Doing Mathematics
EDCI457: Teaching and Learning Middle School Mathematics
TLPL406: Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Elementary School. Part 1
TLPL407: Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Elementary School. Part 2
EDCI655: Teaching and Learning Algebra in the Middle School
MATH212: Elements of Number and Operations
MATH312: Mathematical Reasoning and Proof for Pre-Service Middle School teachers
MATH315: Algebra for Pre-Service Middle School Teachers
MATH487: Number for Middle Grades Teachers